Green + Grainy

Products made by hand from responsibly grown and traded ingredients.

As with any product, a cake is only as good as its ingredients. Presently, at Green + Grainy all the ingredients come via the fantastic wholesaler Essential Trading Cooperative; they work extremely hard to ensure transparency in the supply chain and only work with companies that echo the values of the co-op. In buying through them, Green + Grainy can be sure that every farmer involved in the production of the ingredients is paid more than fairly.


All of the products are made completely by hand, in small batches by Teddie - Captain of Green + Grainy.

Teddie started her foodie career in the speciality coffee industry where her passion for working directly with food growers was sparked - along with beginning to learn all about flavour composition! She progressed to sourcing, working with importers and later trading directly with coffee and tea producers.

She has also worked in several countries on agroforestry projects and regenerative farms, learning about how produce can be grown in way that enhances their environment.

Teddie is working with Kiss The Ground, a project that provides a climate change solution through adapting our farming techniques to work with nature.

My goal is to form a close relationship with every grower and producer, so that we can mutually learn, grow and succeed. Ultimately I hope to run a regenerative farm in the UK, to grow what I can there and import that which can’t be grown here from other regenerative farms.
— Teddie, CEO of Green + Grainy Ltd.

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